How Can I Use EFT to Lose Weight?
by Kay Christopher, Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner & EFT Master Trainer

When I first started teaching clients about using EFT for weight loss issues I didn’t know what to expect. Already I’d seen good results with many other issues. Because EFT addresses the energy system of the body it offers the possibility of positive change and I was excited to see what it offered for those wanting to lose weight.

EFT may be helpful in shifting the emotions that are the drivers for weight issues. Generally it takes some time, as most people have a number of emotional issues that lead to over eating. However, EFT sometimes may fairly easily reduce or eliminate food cravings which are emotionally based. That can be very helpful in when it comes to being able to have more choice about how much food is eaten.

When using EFT for weight loss there are a number of areas that can be addressed. Probably most important are your feelings about food and the emotions that underlie overeating. What is called the Discovery Statement in EFT is “The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” When you learn how to transform your emotions with EFT you may begin to have more emotional freedom, and then you begin to then have choices about your behavior that you didn’t have previously. You then have more of a choice about when and what you eat.

Some other areas that might be addressed include: food cravings; feelings of deprivation, loneliness (emptiness), feeling of being stressed, guilt, etc.; safety issues; secondary gains (what benefit, if any, is there in keeping the extra weight?); triggers for overeating; and self-image/self-esteem issues.

In Gary Craig's DVDs he demonstrates how the craving for chocolate may be reduced or eliminated with EFT. I have used this demonstration in workshops, and people who have felt that they just HAD to eat chocolate have been pleasantly surprised to see that eating chocolate becomes a choice instead of a craving over which they have no control.

Note: Before understanding how EFT works people sometimes don’t want to tap on negative statements, as they are afraid they may be “tapping them in”. But what EFT does is relieve disruptions in your energy system. If the “negative” is already there, it means there’s an energy block of some kind. Holding the negative thought in mind as you tap is what releases the disruption. Once the release happens you feel differently and have more emotional freedom and more choices in terms of behavior. To my knowledge you can’t “tap in negatives” with EFT because you are not tapping anything “in”. Instead you are releasing pre-existing blocks in the energy system.

© Kay Christopher 2008. All rights reserved.
