How To Make Friends with Stress

Science has told us for decades now that being under a lot of stress is harmful. Research studies have pointed to the myriad of physical consequences of stress, and blamed it for many illnesses and even death.

But new research is telling us that it is the way we THINK about stress that can most harm or help us. If you think stress is harmful or if you think it is helpful, either way you might be right.

One way to think about feeling too much stress, and the physical symptoms it can cause, is that it's a signal to "stop and reassess". It's a signal from your psyche that something needs to change. And, maybe the best way to figure out what needs to change is to use some EFT on the problem.

EFT not only helps to reverse the stress response in the body, but it also provides
cognitive shifts, or shifts in perception. Insights, new ideas, and new awarenesses are common results from tapping. And this change in thinking could lead to useful solutions regarding how you can live with less stress and more joy.

To give you a simple example, one day I was looking at my "to-do" list which was very long. I felt overwhelmed and very stressed out about it, so I decided to tap. The oddest thing happened. Without any conscious decision making, I found myself effortlessly engaged in accomplishing what I then realized was the next most important task on my list! I was in a state of relaxed attention, free of the stress I'd previously been experiencing. It was tapping that shifted my emotions/mind/body, got me unstuck, and moved me into easily solving the problem. EFT can be used for simple "to-do list problems", but it can also be used on more complex problems of any magnitude.

Next time you feel stressed try thinking of stress as a "friend" who is reminding you to tap so you can become more calm in your emotions and clear in your thinking. You might well discover that you'll come up with insights and solutions to make your life better.

Remember to think of stress as a friendly reminder to do some EFT. And then, notice what kind of positive shifts tapping gives you in your thinking and in your life.