An EFT Tapping Routine and Extended Tapping Sessions

Creating a routine makes it easier to remember to do EFT when you need it. And sitting down for 20 minutes or longer for a focused tapping session can bring great results.

Have had several conversations with clients recently about the benefit of creating some kind of routine in regard to EFT so that it's easy to remember to do it. Its benefits are generally apparent (especially if you experiment a little to find out what works) and for a lot of people that helps make it easy to stay motivated to tap. However, sometimes it can be a challenge to remember that tapping is an option at the moment it is needed.

A daily routine helps make it easier to think of EFT when a need arises.

Another subject that has come up in conversations recently is the amount of time to spend tapping. Have had some people be very surprised when I say I sometimes sit down for 20-30 minutes or more (have done much longer sessions on myself as well, as much as 90 minutes) and work on an issue when I really want change. This longer time period is especially useful for complex issues and chronic problems that may require more effort.

Think about starting your day with some tapping as that is kind of like jump starting your EFT engine. It makes it easier to remember EFT as a possible resource throughout the rest of the day. Personally, I like training myself to notice when I don't feel anything less that GOOD---and then tapping until I feel good again. That's my goal!