If You're Thinking About 2014

She sighed. She'd done this a lot of times before. The list was in front of her. Some of it was the same as last year. Some of it had changed.

She wanted some things for 2014 that she wasn't sure she could make happen. When she checked off her goals list for 2013 she was partly thrilled and partly disappointed. There were a few things that seemed hard to achieve, no matter how she tried. They showed up on her list year after year. It was frustrating.

Then she had an idea. What if she tapped on each of her goals on the list? Just simply looking at each item on the list, one at a time, and asking herself how confident she felt about being successful? She knew it was important to measure them on the 0-10 scale before she tapped, so she could tell what kind of progress she was making.

She got excited at the idea and began. As she tapped she found her fears and doubts melting. Why had she ever doubted she could make that seemingly evasive goal? And, that second goal, too? As she tapped she got clear, fresh, new ideas for how to proceed. Her inner vision of the future changed and she was able to see opportunities where in the past there had been limitation. The more she tapped the more delighted she became. She was SO glad the idea had occurred to her to apply tapping in this way.

When she finished tapping on her goals she felt ready to ring in the New Year and celebrate. She was looking forward to an exciting and wonderful new year!

If you have any goals that you're not really confident about you might try tapping, too. Chances are good it will help you have a brighter, more creative and happier New Year.   

Wishing you very Happy Holidays!