Creating Inner Peace with EFT

One of the most sought after human experiences is inner peace. When we feel at peace we no longer feel divided inside with the turmoil caused from negative emotions, unattained desires, and unpleasant memories of the past. Instead, we may feel oneness, unity and love.

While the experience of inner peace is temporal and impermanent it is a worthy goal to try achieve it, however briefly. It is also a worthy goal to learn ways to improve the chances of having that kind of positive experience---and ways to try to sustain it for longer periods of time.

EFT Founder Gary Craig has stated that EFT can help "propel each individual toward personal peace". He recommends using the Personal Peace Procedure and tapping on specific events as ways to help us move in this direction.

When you select a specific event and bring it to a well tested, solid "zero" (on the scale of 0-10, zero meaning you no longer have any emotional intensity about the event) it is possible to come to a feeling of peace that lasts for a period of time. This doesn't always happen, but it is not uncommon. Learning how to select a specific event with skill and how to thoroughly collapse it and
test the zero increases the odds of being able to achieve the experience of peace.