"What if I keep forgetting to tap?"

Do you forget to tap? Do you know how great EFT is, but does it slip your mind to use it? Do you go for days without thinking to tap, and then remember that you could have used it for an issue at work or with your spouse, or on an issue with your body—after the fact?

Here are some thoughts about how you can remember to use EFT on a daily basis and be more likely to think to use it when you need it most.
Several clients have asked lately how to be better at using EFT on a regular basis. They know it works--not only works, but works VERY well. However, they tap infrequently or maybe have forgotten about EFT altogether for some length of time.

The best way I know to stay connected to EFT is to do it every day. Now, this doesn't have to be a big deal. If you don't feel like you can devote a lot of time to EFT just do one round first thing every morning and then proceed with your day. If this is all you do, you will never forget that you know EFT, and when you need it to help you with a problem you are likely to remember to use it. On the other hand, if you just quit tapping then when you need it you may not think of it.

I think of tapping a lot like brushing my teeth. Would I quit brushing my teeth? No, I want to keep them! If EFT has the ability to keep our emotions in a good place, why wouldn't we tap daily? At LEAST one round in the morning, and preferably more than that.

My own daily routine is the following: I tap one round when I wake up while I am still in bed. Then I get up and make a cup of tea, feed my cat, and have some breakfast. After that I sit down to do some more tapping. Depending on the day, this tapping session may be as short as 5 minutes. Or it could be longer: 10, 20, 30, 60 or even 90 minutes. I don't usually do 60-90 minutes, but when I am really on a roll sometimes it happens. Now, I don't generally have 90 minutes of unplanned time in a day, so generally my sessions are more like 5-15 minutes. But every now and then, when I am starting to feel like I need a good long session, I will set aside time and just really let it roll. I've had some tremendous breakthroughs and deep healings when this has happened. I've also had some tremendous breakthroughs and deep healings in much shorter sessions. So, for me, there's no rule about how long I do EFT. I do it based on my need.

If you have never taken more than 5 minutes to tap on yourself you might try a longer session (maybe 15, 20, or 30 minutes) and see what happens.

But the main point here is to tap every day, even if it's only one round. If you do that you will never be very far away from remembering next time you have a problem that EFT can be your solution.