Want to Improve Your Holiday Experience?

'Tis the holiday season. For most people that means added stress. But what kind of stress?

The stress you feel when you are happy and excited about something (planning a big event, going down a ski slope, taking a desirable vacation) is called
eustress. "Eu" means good or well, so eustress is stress that you are happy about. It's still stress, but not bad stress.

On the other hand, if life becomes too busy, if you don't get enough sleep, if finances get challenging, if relatives seem hard to bear, if you can't say no to all the sweets and feel "fat", that's
negative stress. It can suck the joy out of life and even cause physical symptoms.
What can you do about negative stress? 

EFT has been shown in research studies to help reduce the stress response in the body and restore a state of calmness. In a more peaceful state not only do you feel better but you are also likely to make better decisions, be better at communicating and experience more happiness. And, you may even have a better, brighter holiday season as a result. 

Remember you can tap your way through this holiday season…right into the New Year!