Tapping On the Miracle

She was reading an article and ran across some astonishing facts about the human body: 

   - There are 45 miles of nerves in the skin of a human body.
   - The DNA helix measures 80 billionths of an inch wide.
   - A single human blood cell only takes 60 seconds to make a complete circuit around the body.
    - Humans shed and regrow outer skin cells about every 27 days---almost 1000 new skins in a lifetime.
"Wow!", she thought. "I'm a living miracle! But I've been kind of stressed out lately. Maybe I should be taking better care of my body."

Then she remembered that EFT is one of the best tools for stress management. It helps reverse the fight-or-flight response and promotes calmness, healing and a capacity for higher level thinking. She realized that probably one of the best and kindest things she could be doing for her magnificent body is using EFT on a regular basis. She stopped what she was doing and tapped right then and there.

You, too, have a magnificent, miraculous body. When is the last time you tapped?