EFT Offered to All Education Workers in Solvenia

Something very exciting has happened in the EFT world. The Slovenian Ministry of Education has offered to pay 75% of the cost of EFT training for all teachers and educational workers in Slovenian secondary and primary schools and kindergarten. 

It is wonderful that a national government has recognized the value of EFT and is providing its highest level of funding for all educational workers. This is due to the dedication and efforts of Pika Rajnar, AAMET Master Trainer of Trainers and Training Board Member. The training will be based around AAMET training materials (these are the same ones I use in my EFT trainings). 
Can you imagine what it would have been like to learn EFT as a child? To be able to calm your brain/body and bring yourself into emotional balance with a tool like that at such a young age? And, as a teacher, to be in an environment that supports the use of EFT for yourself and for your students?

When Gary Craig created EFT his intention was that it would be for everyone. He wanted it to be available to every person, used in every household, to help as many people as possible. It is so exciting to see his dream gradually coming more true as the years go by. 

Is there anyone is your life that might benefit from EFT? A student, a teacher, or anyone else? They might be inspired by hearing about Slovenia.