"What words do I use in the EFT Setup phrase?"

People often ask how to select the right words to use for the setup phrase when doing EFT. This advice is from Gary Craig's Feb 18, 2008 newsletter:
Newcomers often ask the question, "What words do I use in the EFT Setup phrase for_______". Further, this question is usually asked as though there are some perfect words that must be spoken if results are to be achieved. This is a mistake ... a limitation ... because it ignores their ability to create these phrases on their own. THERE ARE NO MAGIC PHRASES. One simply verbalizes the problem by inserting it into the phrase "Even though I have this........." With practice and a little experience you can be even more creative. However, don't look for ready-made language. You can study other people's wording for ideas, of course, but ultimately you want to develop your own skill. This is very simple to do. Just say what comes to mind and let go of this limit known as.... "I gotta have the perfect words."