Tapping for Love Pain

Today someone asked me for some guidance about what to tap on for "love pain" (broken heart, jealousy over your ex finding someone else, etc.). Here is what I suggested...
* Write down your thoughts and feelings about the situation and tap on those. The human mind tends to jump around from one thought to another a lot, and writing thoughts down can help you stay focused and tap on one at at time.

* Select specific incidents that bring up these feelings. Take them one at a time. Get a 0-10 SUDs rating on them and bring them down. Get one specific incident to 0-1 before you move on to another one. There are some specific techniques for dealing with memories such as the Tearless Trauma and Movie Technique in EFT. You can find out about these on EFT Founder Gary Craig's web site

* While it is tempting to tap about "him"or "her" keep it about more your beliefs, thought and feelings. It is more effective.

* Keep tapping. If it seems that the going is slow, it may just be that there are a lot of "aspects" (see Gary's web site for info on aspects). EFT does work. Just be persistent.

If you want more one-on-one assistance with your tapping we can schedule a time to meet. But you can try this first and see what happens. Please let me know what kind of results you get. And remember, no matter what, "I deeply and completely love, forgive and accept myself". Those are very powerful words!