An EFT Holiday

She walked from the cold garage into the warm kitchen, arms full of groceries. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was almost 7:00 PM. She hadn't yet unpacked the groceries, much less made dinner. Where had the time gone?

After Thanksgiving she thought she'd get caught up, but with the extra business of the holiday season she was feeling stressed and tired. Not enough sleep and too much to do was making it hard to enjoy the season. For a moment she considered taking a few minutes to do some tapping, but told herself she didn't have the time. She needed to get dinner going right away.
However, as she unpacked groceries and set out the saucepans to cook she found herself muttering quietly, under her breath, "Even though I'm tired, I don't want to cook right now, I need some rest, I deeply and completely accept myself." When she noticed that she was saying this to herself she stopped what she was doing with the food, took a deep breath, and started to tap.

Immediately she began to feel more relaxed and calm. Her shoulders weren't so tensed up. She realized she'd been holding tension in her stomach, too, and that started to ease. She began to smile. She felt better.

She flipped the switch on the radio and music filled the room. With renewed energy she took a look at the vegetables on the cutting board and noticed the beauty of the colors: the orange carrots, the green celery, the red tomatoes. With joy in her heart she began to create.

This holiday may you, too, find relief at your fingertips--and more joy in the season.