Allergies, Weight & Body Image

EFT is good for so many things. Here are a couple of examples: cedar allergies and weight / food / body image issues.

EFT is so amazing. Every day I am blown away with the results.When I give presentations I tell my audiences that if someone I didn't know told me what I am about to tell them I'd think they were making things up. But I'm not. EFT is so life-giving. It returns hope and freedom and it works exquisitely well for so MANY things.
EFT is good for so many things. Here are a couple of examples: cedar allergies and weight / food / body image issues.

EFT is so amazing. Every day I am blown away with the results.When I give presentations I tell my audiences that if someone I didn't know told me what I am about to tell them I'd think they were making things up. But I'm not. EFT is so life-giving. It returns hope and freedom and it works exquisitely well for so MANY things. I love EFT!

I realize what I am about to write sounds like a commercial. I don't know how to avoid that. I just think EFT is miraculous and I can't help but want to spread the word. Yesterday when I was at my credit union a teller I often see there was sick. She had a cold over the holidays and then it turned into a cedar allergy once cedar season was upon us here in Austin. When you know you can help it can be hard to keep quiet, so I told her that I could probably help her feel better. She took a break, I taught her EFT, and she got some relief from her congestion, dizziness, and tiredness.

Weight issues affect so many people and are a concern both from a health and self-esteem point of view. Today I received an email from a client who attended an EFT workshop and lost her craving for chocolate in a matter of minutes with EFT (although she can still enjoy it). Then she joined the Women's Weight and Body Image Group (5 weeks) and really went after accomplishing her goals. Here's what she wrote:

"My biggest win continues to be the freedom from chocolate cravings. As I told you, I used to have chocolate stashes in the refrigerator, pantry and a secret "emergency" supply. I ate chocolate at least once per day and often 2-4 times per day and lots of it at a time. Losing weight or inches was impossible. If I did without dark chocolate I would substitute chocolate cookies. I knew it was bad for me, but my will power/resolve took a back seat to cravings. This was until EFT. After the first training session in your workshop I went 10 days without eating chocolate. I even went to lunch with girlfriends. We didn't have a chocolate dessert. They shared something and I passed.

"At the Women's Body Image and Weight Group we looked at many issues surrounding food including
portion control, exercise, body image and aging. Carbs (and bread) were other "food loves" of mine. We used EFT to diminish the amount consumed and the "craving" for these items.

"Over the Christmas "eatingfest" I did eat carbs, bread and chocolate. I enjoyed them and ate smaller amounts before I was full.
In many cases a "tase" would suffice. This was all new to me. We spoke in early January and you suggested that I continue EFT especially for psychological reversal. I did and it helped get me "reset" to an occasional taste of chocolate and back to smaller portions again.

"I am thrilled to report that
since the end of November (1.5 months) I have lost 1 1/2 inches from my waist......which has been my body's most stubborn fat repository. Legs, thighs and midriff have also lost inches and I have gone down 1-2 dress sizes... I still have a way to go ....but I'm finally going in the right direction. Thank you for bring EFT to my attention."

The amazing thing about EFT is that all of this can be accomplished without effort or "trying" once the tapping has released the energy block that is holding the negative pattern in place. EFT, used properly, is what every dieter has been dreaming of!

Maybe EFT is what everyone has been dreaming of!